Cost of Wood Framing

Cost of Wood Framing

unfinished wood roof frame

When you are selecting the type of material that you intend to use for your next construction project, you want to make sure that you are getting the most out of your investment. You want to know that you are buying reliable materials that are going to last, without it needing to cost you or your clients more than the fair rate. At the same time, it is always nice to have some extra cash to put towards the other features of the house and save yourself some money, without missing out on quality. For both of these reasons, making use of wood framing is always a wise choice to make. You simply cannot match the quality that you get from good wood framing for such low prices. And, when you decide to come to us for your framing, you know that the costs are going to be as low as they can possibly be.


What Affects the Cost of Wood Framing? 

There are many considerations to make when judging the cost of a wood framing job. Firstly, the material can vary in price depending on the type of wood that you choose, as well as the thicknesses, lengths, and cuts that are going to be required. At the same time, if your framing needs are going to incur a higher demand for labor, this can also have an effect. But no matter what, when you get your framing from us, you can expect to be quoted a much more affordable rate than with any of our competitors. 


Price of Quality Wood Framing 

It is always important to invest in quality for your framing and for the structural integrity of your home, you know you cannot be cutting corners. So, you will no doubt want to ensure that you are using a premium choice of timber with precision cutting and installation. Luckily for you, that is all that we provide and so, you can count on getting all of the quality you are looking for when you buy through us. We offer plenty of different types of wood, each of which can come at a cost of under $10 per square foot. 


Cost of Labor 

In addition to the materials, we charge very fair rates for our labor. You simply aren’t going to find any other team in town that can match us on our standards for craftsmanship. So, you know it is all the more worthwhile when you are spending such low amounts on the labor. We’ll always give you a complete breakdown of our charges, reflecting only the work that we complete for you. So, with us, you’ll never have to pay more than you should have to. 


Affordable Prices in Longmont 

So, when you are conducting any construction project in the city of Longmont, CO, you know that it just makes sense to trust our team for support. We offer the lowest prices anywhere in the city and never let our clients down on their expectations for quality. So, enquire with us today and find out just how much we could save you on your next build.

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