Aluminum House Framing Vs. Wood

Aluminum House Framing Vs. Wood

wood house frame with some metals on it

There are various options that you can choose between when it comes to framing any new residential structure. Both metal and wooden options offer various benefits and choosing the right one for your needs will allow you to achieve the things that you want to achieve. At Wood Framing Longmont, we want to ensure that every one of our clients can make the most effective choice for them and we are glad to help do so, however, we can. So, we have prepared a comparison between your standard aluminum house framing material and our state-of-the-art wooden frames. You can compare and see just how effective our wooden solutions are and find out exactly why you could be better off trusting in our support. 


Benefits of Wood Framing 

Making use of wood framing gives you countless benefits to take advantage of, especially when considering the healthy selection of wood species that we have on offer. In general, using wood allows much more flexibility for design and installation options, as well as permitting you the option of better insulating your house. It is much quicker to install than any other material and can much more easily be tailored to meet your specific demands for form and additional features. At the same time, it is completely renewable and incurs the lowest carbon footprint, helping to guarantee the soundness of your house for the future. 


Benefits of Aluminum Framing 

On the other hand, you might prefer to take advantage of the benefits that come from using aluminum for your household framing. Like most other metals, aluminum is physically stronger than any timber could be and has the ability to last you for many years. It means that when you invest in this kind of framing, it will give you a reasonable worth for your money. These things make aluminum suitable for larger homes, however, they are best suited to large scale structures. 


Drawbacks of Aluminum Framing 

However, there are numerous drawbacks to using aluminum, particularly in house construction and it simply isn’t best suited to the job. As a material, it is much more limiting and won’t allow you to include the finer details that you see fit for your plans. You simply cannot produce such high-quality designs, something that we feel important when you are investing your hard-earned cash into construction. At the same time, you will not be able to insulate in the ways that you need to, causing the winters to be colder and the summers, much hotter.


Which is Right for You? 

So, if you know that your home is going to be larger or have a much simpler demand for precision design, aluminum is never a bad choice. However, if you want the perfect home being made your way and being comfortable every day of the year, there simply is no better choice that you could make than wood framing. And, given that you are going to save so much money in both the short and long-terms with wood, it just makes sense to trust in the excellent wood framing services of our team.

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